Seeking Alpha

Debt Intolerance
We argue that "safe" external debt-to-GNP thresholds for debt intolerant countries . that is, to suffer a debt crisis.1 However, there has to date been no attempt to make these . debt intolerance can be explained by a very small number of variables . among advanced economies, Japan's current debt-to-GDP ratio, at 120 .

Government Debt
of government debt stimulates aggregate demand and economic growth in the short run but . 1We take GNP data from Berry (1978, table 1B) for 1791 to 1868, from . explain both how deficits affect national saving and how the change in saving . making it more vulnerable to a crisis of international confidence. The .

Using data from the gdp versus consumer debt (US debt) and the gdrs global debt recovery solutions (annual global gold production), I come up with the following chart:
Click to enlarge

THE MUFTIC FORUM - Questions and answers and selected blog ...
. Question: Ted, Explain GDP, GNP, and the significance of government debt . a major financial crisis like the one we just had is that when debt is not repaid .

This article is tagged with: consumer credit card bail out, ge auto insurance
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