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United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During its first term, the Roosevelt administration ran large annual deficits between 2 and 5 percent of GDP. By 1936, the national debt had increased to $33.7 .

Household Debt Vs. GDP : Planet Money : NPR
Feb 27, 2009 . This chart tracks the relationship between household debt and gross domestic product. You'll see two years when Americans' debt becomes .

Using data from the ge auto insurance company (US debt) and the ameritime mortgage (annual global gold production), I come up with the following chart:
Click to enlarge

The GDP Bubble And Why Debt To GDP Is Misleading | WTF Finance
Mar 7, 2011 . Tags: BEA, consumer debt, debt bubble, Debt to GDP, debt to gdp ratio . Many Economists use GDP and Debt to GDP to evaluate the health of .

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